• KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems
    Monthly Online Journal (eISSN: 1976-7277)

Special Issue

Call for a Special Issue Proposal

  We are looking for a special issue proposal. The special issue must be a hot and cutting edge topic currently that interests the readers of our journal. The areas of the topic are not limited. Those who are interested in organizing a special issue on KSII TIIS are supposed to submit the proposal to the Editor-in-Chief. The proposal includes the following:

  • - Description of importance of the topic
  • - Detailed areas of the topic
  • - How to attract and review the submissions
  • - Brief background information of the Guest Editors (the Guest Editors are to be recommended in the proposal)

  The proposal cannot be no more than 7 pages with 11 point-size, single space, and single column. The special issue proposal will be peer-reviewed.

On-going SI
Advances in Cyber Security for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)

The recent advances in technologies have completely transformed the way we interact with the physical world. Cyber-Physical System (CPS) is an engineered system which bridges the computing and communication aspects in the cyberspace. The need for this CPS is being benefitted by various critical infrastructures like manufacturing, healthcare, banking, energy, environmental and process control, and many more. Similarly, CPS is also a convergence of distributed sensor systems, Embedded Systems, and other supporting systems in a real-time environment. Moreover, depending on the device's capability, it is integrated with other techniques like wireless sensor networks and communication systems, smart devices, sensors, actuators, and other components. Since the widespread CPS and Internet of Things (IoT), contributes a significant part to the economic and social process of everyday life, there may be increased concerns regarding the cyber security and safety aspects of the overall system. Any unintentional and malicious threats to the CPS can create a great impact on the lifestyle of the environment we live in. Hence, maximum efforts should be taken to ensure the security of the CPS and related support systems.

Cyber Security protects the network of systems from any type of damages or breaches by unauthorized users and intruders to the hardware, software, and enormous amount of personal and sensitive data present in the various services provided. Nowadays, well sophisticated CPS environments get hacked despite vigorous security efforts. Malware, Phishing, Trojans, Ransom ware, Denial of Service attack, etc. are some of the common cyber security threats that compromise the CPS and other supporting systems. This indicates that the installation of cyber security strategies should be revised regularly with innovative ideas and methods to ensure data threats in organizations. Here, the design and development of cyber security algorithms and architectures are necessary for CPS and IoT systems with data confidentiality, authenticity, and authorization. Also, adopting the recent advances in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can be used to identify the malicious behaviour of intruders and other cyber security threats by creating a network model to predict and identify future cyber security threats.

Furthermore, techniques like blockchain and cloud computing can also contribute to the effective protection of cyber security in CPS. Using blockchain and cloud computing the data is shared across various physical and virtual platforms more securely and confidentially. Since Cyber Security in CPS is becoming an active research topic for researchers across the globe due to its crippling cyber attacks in recent years. This special issue on "Advances in Cyber Security for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)" will publish high-quality research papers by discussing and reviewing various challenges and opportunities in implementing advanced cyber security for Cyber-Physical Systems. This special issue also provides new ideologies, methodologies, and solutions for meeting such challenges.

The special issue will select papers through the following approaches:

  • - Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology for Enhancing Security in CPS
  • - Advanced Security Measures for Protecting Customer Information and Sensitive Details in CPS
  • - Recent Developments in Cyber security techniques for CPS
  • - A Study on Various Limitations in implementing Cyber security Measures across CPS
  • - Artificial Intelligence for Enhancing Cyber security in CPS
  • - New Applications for Human-Centric Cyber Security Solutions
  • - Advanced Secure Data Analytics for CPS
  • - Advances in Anomaly Detection and Resiliency for CPS
  • - The Need for Constituting Security Policy for CPS and IoT
  • - Machine Learning Concepts for Improving Cyber security for CPS
  • - Enhancing Cyber security for CPS: A Blockchain Perspective
  • - Case Studies: Cyber security for CPS


Manuscript Submission Deadline Date: 31th January, 2021
Authors Notification Date: 28th February, 2021
Revised Papers Due Date: 15th March, 2021
Final notification Date: 31th March, 2021

Dr. Oscar SanjuánMartínez
Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (UNIR),
Logroño, Spain.
Email: Oscar.sanjuan@unir.net; Oscar.sanjuan@ieee.org
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=VqV7-bAAAAAJ&hl=en
Profile Link: https://www.unir.net/profesores/oscar-sanjuan-martinez/

Dr. Oscar Sanjuan has a degree in Computer Science from the Pontifical University of Salamanca, where he also earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science Engineering, and he is Ph.D in Computer Science from Oviedo University. He has been Area Director of Software Engineering at the Pontifical University of Salamanca, lecturer and researcher at the University of Oviedo and Assistant Professor at the University Carlos III of Madrid. He has published more than 70 articles in prestigious national and international journals and conferences. He has also given more than 30 seminars and conferences in Europe and Latin America on Software Engineering. His research areas are Software Engineering, Software Agents, and Emerging Development Techniques in Video Game and Entertainment Software. He has translated and collaborated in the revision of multiple Software Engineering books, including: "C ++ Reference Manual" by BjarneStroustrub, "Reference Manual of UML ” by James Rumbaugh,“ Using UML Software Engineering with Objects and Components ” by Perdita Stevens and “ Software Engineering a practical approach ” by Roger S.Pressman among others. He has also been a Technology Advisor for “Vector Information Technologies”, a Spanish company dedicated to the development of highly qualified IT projects in the area of Internet and fleet tracking systems.

Dr. Giuseppe Fenza
Assistant Professor,
Department of Business Sciences - Management & Innovation Systems / DISA-MIS,
University of Salerno,
Fisciano SA, Italy.
Official Email: gfenza@unisa.it
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=0C3IjEIAAAAJ&hl=en
Profile Link: https://docenti.unisa.it/021699/home

Dr.Giuseppe Fenza graduated and received the Ph.D. degree in Computer Sciences, both from the University of Salerno, Italy, in 2004 and 2009, respectively. His main research interest is the application of Computational Intelligence methods to support semantic-enabled solutions and decision making. He has many publications in Fuzzy Decision Making, Knowledge Extraction and Management, Situation and Context Awareness, Semantic Information Retrieval, Service Oriented Architecture, Ontology Engineering and Elicitation. He used the results of the research works in several application domains, like: Medical Diagnosis, Enterprise Knowledge Management, and Social Media Analytics. He is member of IEEE Computational Intelligence Society and IEEE Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society. Recently, he is working in the field of Time-aware Knowledge Extraction and Context-aware Decision Support Systems and he is publishing some results in microblog summarization, time-aware collaborative filtering, context-aware group decision making, and so on. He passed the National Scientific Qualification Exams as Associate Professor.

Dr. Ruben Gonzalez Crespo
Department of Engineering, School of Engineering and Technology,
Universidad Internacional de la Rioja (UNIR),
Logroño, Spain.
Official Email: ruben.gonzalez@unir.net
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ZdMnNCMAAAAJ&hl=es
Profile Link: https://www.unir.net/profesores/ruben-gonzalez-crespo/

Dr. Rubén González has a Ph.D. in Computer Science Engineering. Currently he is Vice Chancellor for Academic Planning and Teaching Staff of the International University of La Rioja. He is also the Founder and Chief Editor of the International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence and Associate Editor of indexed scientific journals. He is an advisor and collaborator of the Ministry of Education, both Spanish and Colombian, in the field of quality education, mainly university. Previously he was Director of the Higher School of Engineering and Technology (ESIT), Director of the UNIR-AENOR Chair and Postgraduate Director at the Pontifical University of Salamanca, as well as in charge of the Chair of Operating Systems at the same university. He founded and directed the GISTI Research Group participating in several competitive research projects. He was a visiting professor for more than eight years at the University of Oviedo. He has published more than 180 articles in indexed journals and prestigious national and international conferences. He has given many seminars and conferences in Europe and Latin America on Project Management, Artificial Intelligence, Industry 4.0 and has received various awards related to his activity. His research focuses on Web Accessibility and Usability, Educational Technology as well as Soft Computing techniques in Artificial Intelligence. Within his Technology Transfer activities, he is an evaluator of international projects for the FECyT, SENACYT and COLCIENCIAS, among others, collaborates in different committees with AENOR, and participates as Principal Investigator in H2020 and national projects.