• KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems
    Monthly Online Journal (eISSN: 1976-7277)

Enhancing Transparency and Trust in Agrifood Supply Chains through Novel Blockchain-based Architecture

Vol. 18, No. 7, July 31, 2024
10.3837/tiis.2024.07.013, Download Paper (Free):


At present, the world is witnessing a rapid change in all the fields of human civilization business interests and goals of all the sectors are changing very fast. Global changes are taking place quickly in all fields – manufacturing, service, agriculture, and external sectors. There are plenty of hurdles in the emerging technologies in agriculture in the modern days. While adopting such technologies as transparency and trust issues among stakeholders, there arises a pressurized necessity on food suppliers because it has to create sustainable systems not only addressing demand–supply disparities but also ensuring food authenticity. Recent studies have attempted to explore the potential of technologies like blockchain and practices for smart and sustainable agriculture. Besides, this well-researched work investigates how a scientific cum technological blockchain architecture addresses supply chain challenges in Precision Agriculture to take up challenges related to transparency traceability, and security. A robust registration phase, efficient authentication mechanisms, and optimized data management strategies are the key components of the proposed architecture. Through secured key exchange mechanisms and encryption techniques, client's identities are verified with inevitable complexity. The confluence of IoT and blockchain technologies that set up modern farms amplify control within supply chain networks. The practical manifestation of the researchers' novel blockchain architecture that has been executed on the Hyperledger network, exposes a clear validation using corroboration of concept. Through exhaustive experimental analyses that encompass, transaction confirmation time and scalability metrics, the proposed architecture not only demonstrates efficiency but also underscores its usability to meet the demands of contemporary Precision Agriculture systems. However, the scholarly paper based upon a comprehensive overview resolves a solution as a fruitful and impactful contribution to blockchain applications in agriculture supply chains.


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[IEEE Style]
S. V, P. P, J. Lee, P. P, "Enhancing Transparency and Trust in Agrifood Supply Chains through Novel Blockchain-based Architecture," KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, vol. 18, no. 7, pp. 1968-1985, 2024. DOI: 10.3837/tiis.2024.07.013.

[ACM Style]
Sakthivel V, Prakash P, Jae-Woo Lee, and Prabu P. 2024. Enhancing Transparency and Trust in Agrifood Supply Chains through Novel Blockchain-based Architecture. KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 18, 7, (2024), 1968-1985. DOI: 10.3837/tiis.2024.07.013.

[BibTeX Style]
@article{tiis:100961, title="Enhancing Transparency and Trust in Agrifood Supply Chains through Novel Blockchain-based Architecture", author="Sakthivel V and Prakash P and Jae-Woo Lee and Prabu P and ", journal="KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems", DOI={10.3837/tiis.2024.07.013}, volume={18}, number={7}, year="2024", month={July}, pages={1968-1985}}