• KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems
    Monthly Online Journal (eISSN: 1976-7277)

Optimization of Material Properties for Coherent Behavior across Multi-resolution Cloth Models


This paper introduces a scheme for optimizing the material properties of mass-spring systems of different resolutions to provide coherent behavior for reduced level-of-detail in MSS(Mass-Spring System) meshes. The global optimal material coefficients are derived to match the behavior of provided reference mesh. The proposed method also gives us insight into levels of reduction that we can achieve in the systematic behavioral coherency among the different resolution of MSS meshes. We obtain visually acceptable coherent behaviors for cloth models based on our proposed error metric and identify that this method can significantly reduce the resolution levels of simulated objects. In addition, we have confirmed coherent behaviors with different resolutions through various experimental validation tests. We analyzed spring force estimations through triangular Barycentric coordinates based from the reference MSS that uses a Gaussian kernel based distribution. Experimental results show that the displacement difference ratio of the node positions is less than 10% even if the number of nodes of MSSsim decreases by more than 50% compared with MSSref. Therefore, we believe that it can be applied to various fields that are requiring the real-time simulation technology such as VR, AR, surgical simulation, mobile game, and numerous other application domains.


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[IEEE Style]
N. Sung, S. Transue, M. Kim, Y. Choi, M. Choi, M. Hong, "Optimization of Material Properties for Coherent Behavior across Multi-resolution Cloth Models," KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, vol. 12, no. 8, pp. 4072-4089, 2018. DOI: 10.3837/tiis.2018.08.029.

[ACM Style]
Nak-Jun Sung, Shane Transue, Minsang Kim, Yoo-Joo Choi, Min-Hyung Choi, and Min Hong. 2018. Optimization of Material Properties for Coherent Behavior across Multi-resolution Cloth Models. KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems, 12, 8, (2018), 4072-4089. DOI: 10.3837/tiis.2018.08.029.

[BibTeX Style]
@article{tiis:21857, title="Optimization of Material Properties for Coherent Behavior across Multi-resolution Cloth Models", author="Nak-Jun Sung and Shane Transue and Minsang Kim and Yoo-Joo Choi and Min-Hyung Choi and Min Hong and ", journal="KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems", DOI={10.3837/tiis.2018.08.029}, volume={12}, number={8}, year="2018", month={August}, pages={4072-4089}}